How’s your summer going? Production update

We’re here to give you all an update about the progress of the project and our activities.
We are putting the finishing touches to the Adventure Book of this expansion, it contains a lot of illustrations and the great thing is that it will fit inside the game box! We can’t wait to see the final version.
This week we received another factory sample of the box with the cards …and it looks magical!

In these days we are finishing to negotiate with the manufacturer all the details of the production.
In the meantime we are completing the translations and will soon pass the buck to those who deal with the revision and proof-reading of the narrative parts, which are many.
We have already received the sleeves and other accessories, they are safe in our warehouse waiting for the main production to be finished.
We will of course send another update when the games arrive at our warehouse – this will start the shipping phase.
THANK YOU for backing Village of Legends – Adhara , and THANK YOU to everyone who is participating in the playtesting this expansion on TTS!!