Almost there!

Hey guys!

We are still alive however thank you to the loyal backers who sent us sincere condolences. We are here to give you updates on the advancement of the Adhara project. We encountered many obstacles that hindered our progress and it’s been a constant struggle to meet the high standards that we laid out for ourselves. 

We forgot to dot the i’s and cross the t’s and unfortunately our pallets got held up in customs. We now have all boxes cards and components and we are just waiting on the Adventure Book (which admittedly we sent to print after the 25673th revision.) When these books arrive we will place them lovingly (and quickly) inside the boxes wrapped with care. We can’t wait to send them out to you guys! By the end of September everything should be on it’s way.

Some hindsight reflections:

1. Even though this is kickstarter and we entered knowing that the project wasn’t finished we definitely went a little overboard on the optimism which meant we were way overboard on our realistic time related goals.

2. Even though the project was on it’s way towards being finished when we had launched the campaign we definitely underestimated the workload of adding the final touches. Particularly:

– The art work related to creating unique drawings for every single one of the 200+ cards in the game.

– The writing, translation and proofreading and play-tests of the co-op campaign.

Considering all of this, going forward in any possible future projects we have made a solid decision to only launch games which are 99% complete.

This means we will be taking a larger risk investment wise (both time and money) however we will avoid long delays and provide a better service to our loyal (and patient) backers who believe in us. Meaning your faith in us will reap rewards much faster in the future.

Enough of excuses from us, however we felt the need to explain and apologise. The prototype that we have here has really got us excited, it’s definitely a step up in quality. We hope that it will be worth the wait.

Here are a preview of all of the 200+ cards in the game.

Adventure Cards:

 Mini cards:

Standard cards:

Thank you!


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1 Response

  1. Joseph Johnson says:

    Any updates?

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