Final stretch – this is what we’ve been up to. Finalise your pledge
Greetings to all of our backers!

It’s been a minute. We’ve been super busy and we thank you for your ongoing patience. Sorry that we haven’t had much to update recently because we’ve been bogged down perfecting the Adventure book for this expansion. As those of you who have been with us from the last campaigns know, the Adventure book is a huge undertaking and this time we put more blood, more sweat, and more tears in to bring you only the very best. We changed our translation and proofreading procedures to avoid errors as much as possible and to ensure smooth storytelling and gameplay.
Thanks for all of the feedback which has helped us perfect this Adventure book. You will notice that the bar has been raised and we’re sure you’ll forgive us for the delays once you get stuck into over 200 chapters of fun. This Adventure book has something for everyone, for those of you who like losing yourself in the world of Village of Legends to those who want to jump straight into gameplay.
Can’t wait to have a look? Good news: in the next few days we will upload the PDF Adventure book to your dashboard.
Sorry again for the wait and not keeping to our deadline. Your ongoing support and reliability means we can ensure that this is the last campaign where we will be behind. Our loyal backers and the stability of knowing you are behind us means in the future we can work to complete most of the game before we launch the project.
A reminder to all of those who haven’t finalised their pledge. The cut off point to update address for delivery is approaching. It’s only a matter of weeks so get it done a.s.a.p. Follow this link to get instructions on how to complete your pledge and pay shipping to make sure you’ll be in the first shipment group.
Thanks to everyone from,
Lorenzo and Deane!